Shop-Made Hand Tools
Turned Mallets
Turn a dynamic duo of mallets fit for carving or general assembly work made from a unique material.
Large Scale Layout Tools
Make a T-square and compass sized for big layout tasks. Enjoy the accuracy for years to come.
Coping Saw
In this project, you'll find out how hardwood and aluminum combine to make a lightweight saw that’s tough enough for all kinds of tasks.
Layout Square
This "ultimate" layout square is the prefect tool modification for large projects.
Panel Gauge
Learn how to work with brass and make an indispensable tool for hand work.
Shop-Built Cabinet Scraper
This classic scraper is the perfect tool for smoothing wood surfaces. Plus, it looks great doing it.
Joiners Mallet
The secret to this well balanced mallet is the two "pockets" in the laminated head. These pockets are drilled in the core pieces and then filled with lead weights.
Crooked Knives
Channel your inner blacksmith to create a unique knife blade and handle for tackling curved cuts.
Miter Plane
This traditional hand plane style blends stunning looks with glass smooth surfaces. Combine metalworking with some woodworking and you have one amazing tool.
Edge Clamps
These shop-made edge clamps are bound to come in handy when gluing hardwood edging on plywood.
Router Plane
Despite its look, this is no Mickey-Mouse project. This shopbuilt router plane is sure to become a favorite tool in your shop, and one that will get used often.
Setup Gauge
Combine a 6" ruler with a few pieces of wood and brass to create a sweet tool to simplify tool adjustments.