Arts & Crafts Glass Front Cabinet

Build an authentic Arts & Crafts cabinet! Simple and timeless, Arts & Crafts-style pieces are a favorite with woodworkers. Beginners aspire to learn the iconic joinery techniques associated with this style and advanced furnituremakers want to learn tricks of the trade to refine their work. In this instructional video, Fine Woodworking's Michael Pekovich shares his experience and walks you through the process of building a handsome Arts & Crafts Glass-Front Cabinet.  

Expand your know-how. As you work through this project, you will gain hands-on experience in selecting the right lumber, cutting through-mortises, tricks for tight-fitting tenons, fuming with ammonia to get the right finish, and much more.

A valuable lesson on leaded glass. Best of all, you'll learn how to build a sturdy door frame and tips for finishing it off with beautiful panes of glass. Not only can you review any part of this lesson-packed video at any time, but you'll also learn the subtleties of producing an heirloom-quality Arts & Crafts piece from seasoned craftsman.



Size: 16 in. wide by 13 in. deep by 36-1/8 in. tall


  • Scale drawings
  • Detailed cutlist
  • SketchUp Drawing


Google SketchUp (free download available here)

About the Author: Michael Pekovich is the art director at Fine Woodworking magazine. Growing up in California, he was inspired by the writings and work of James Krenov and a visit to the Gamble house in Pasadena cemented his love for Arts and Crafts furniture. Upon relocating to Connecticut, Mike developed a passion for the simplicity and subtle proportions of Shaker furniture and for working with hardwoods native to New England.


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Product Recommendations

We don't have any links to project supplies and hardware for this particular project yet, but here are some other products that might be of interest to you. (We may receive commission when you use our affiliate links. However, this does not impact our recommendations.)

Combination Square

Universal Fence Clamps

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