Custom Smoothing Plane

There’s nothing like using a tool you built yourself. This smoothing plane features old-world construction.

The parade of planes available for you to use in preparing wood come in all shapes and sizes — and it’s not about looks, they each shine at performing specific duties. For example the smoothing plane you see above is designed to do just that — smooth. It’s the plane that’s last in line for stock preparation. You might have to do some touch-up with a scraper, or some light sanding, but I’ve seen many times where the board is good to go after being kissed by a well-tuned smoothing plane. To give the plane good looks and long life, we combined the two woods you see in photos. The body is made of cherry that’s warm to the eye (and workable) out of the gate, and mellows with age. Epoxied to the bottom of the body is a strip of lignum vitae — this wood is renown for its hardness and durability, and will give the plane a long life of enjoyable service.


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What You Get:

  • 7 pages of step-by-step instructions
  • 20 full-color photos, illustrations, and exploded views
  • Materials List & Project Supplies Sources

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