Cherry Cabinet with Glass Doors

Many of the techniques used in building this wall cabinet revolve around the case joinery
and molding. Steve Latta's methods employ spacer blocks and setup pieces to have
you building faster and more efficiently. By sizing parts to his cutters, he removes a lot
of fuss from the fitting process. By using spacers, he is able to easily cut symmetrical
dovetails on the rabbeted case without measuring. The moldings on top and bottom are
cut on the tablesaw.
Size: 8-3/4 in. deep by 26 in. wide by 33-7/8 in. high


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Product Recommendations

We don't have any links to project supplies and hardware for this particular project yet, but here are some other products that might be of interest to you. (We may receive commission when you use our affiliate links. However, this does not impact our recommendations.)

PSA Sandpaper Roll

Titebond III Wood Glue

Tape Measure

Gel Polyurethane