Drill Press Edge Sander

Use the power of your drill press to smooth out the rough edges on your project workpieces.

A full-size, dedicated edge sander is one of those tools that would be nice to have — if you have the space. As an alternative, we built the portable edge sander you see above. It’s a scaled-down version of a big, commercial unit with several advantages. First, it’s powered by your drill press. Since there’s no motor, it’s easier to store when it’s not being used. Plus, it uses a common 4" x 36" sanding belt. The long, wide platen provides support for smoothing straight edges and outside curves. Inexpensive hardware, including ball bearings, makes it a smooth-running, quiet machine. And the best part is, you’ll find that building the sander is just as enjoyable as using it afterward.


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What You Get:

  • 11 printable (digital) pages of step-by-step instructions
  • 29 full-color photos, illustrations and exploded views
  • Shop-tested tips and techniques
  • Materials and hardware list
  • Retail sources for hardware and supplies

Product Recommendations

We don't have any links to project supplies and hardware for this particular project yet, but here are some other products that might be of interest to you. (We may receive commission when you use our affiliate links. However, this does not impact our recommendations.)

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