Hinge Mortising Jig

Routing a perfect mortise for a hinge can be a challenge, but this jig makes it a snap by using the hinge to set it up.

One of the "make it or break it" parts of building a project comes when you install the hardware. A poorly fit hinge not only looks bad, but it can affect how well a door or lid opens and closes. This jig makes cutting a mortise for a hinge almost automatic. It uses the hinge to set the jig for a perfect fit. Then let a trim router do all the work. It can handle hinges as small as 3/4", or as large as 3 1/8".


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We don't have any links to project supplies and hardware for this particular project yet, but here are some other products that might be of interest to you. (We may receive commission when you use our affiliate links. However, this does not impact our recommendations.)

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