Mobile Air Filter

Time to send the box fan and furnace filter combo out to pasture. This shop-made version clears dust from the air better and is whisper-quiet too.

Woodworking is messy. Nests of shavings pile up after a hand planing session and a blizzard of chips sprays from a router. At some point, the mess needs to get addressed. The hardest of all to manage is the fine fog of dust that drifts around after sanding or working with MDF. It coats everything in my shop (and the rest of the garage) with a gritty haze. More troublesome is that this same dust can lead to breathing problems over time. Collecting dust at the source is the best option, but no matter the solution, fine dust still migrates throughout the shop. The solution to that is an air cleaner. This project makes a strong case for going your own way rather than buying a commercial air cleaner.


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What You Get:

  • 8 pages of step-by-step instructions
  • 30+ full-color photos, illustrations, and exploded views
  • Materials List & Project Supplies Sources

Product Recommendations

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