Turned Mallets

Turn a dynamic duo of mallets fit for carving or general assembly work made from a unique material.

Mallets come in many forms. If you’re anything like myself, then you likely have a few of them strewn around. Whether shop-made or store-bought, they’re easy to accumulate. Mallets are rarely expensive or difficult to make yourself, and considering the beatings they often go through, that’s a great thing. The ones you see above however are a little different from the average. Rather than a pair of mallets that can be easily made and easily replaced, the focus here is in durability, and making a mallet that’ll last for decades to come. The first mallet you see above is a carver’s mallet, and the second is a joiner’s mallet. While the two certainly have their differences, they share some similarities. Both heads are weighted and turned from a particular kind of plastic. Epoxy is our adhesive of choice here for the extra strength. The heads are mounted onto turned beech, using a hardwood dowel pin to keep them secured.


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What You Get:

  • 7 pages of step-by-step instructions
  • 24 full-color photos, illustrations, and exploded views
  • Materials List & Project Supplies Sources

Product Recommendations

We don't have any links to project supplies and hardware for this particular project yet, but here are some other products that might be of interest to you. (We may receive commission when you use our affiliate links. However, this does not impact our recommendations.)

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